With the development of globalization, more and more enterprises are expanding their businesses to overseas markets, which also means that they need to recruit employees abroad, and labour costs have become an important issue for employers to consider. This article will use Hungary as an example to introduce what employers' labour costs are in Hungary.

1. Hungary's Labour Environment

Hungary's labour market competition is moderate, providing broad employment opportunities, especially in manufacturing, services and technology. The government actively attracts foreign investment and provides incentives for foreign enterprises to promote economic growth and increase employment opportunities. However, Hungary'slabour environment still faces some challenges, such as imbalances in the labour market and skills shortages. The government is increasing the intensity of training and education programs to improve the quality and skills of the labour force to promote the stable development of the labour market.

2. Hungary's Labour Costs

a) Salaries are an important component of labour costs and an important factor in attracting talent. In Hungary, the minimum wage standard is HUF 1,400 per hour (around EUR 4.5), but the actual salary level will also be affected by factors such as the industry the employee is in, work experience and skills. According to data from the Hungarian NationalStatistical Office, the average monthly salary in Hungary was HUF 395,000 (around EUR 1,250) in 2019, while in the capital Budapest, the average monthly salary was as high as HUF 530,000 (around EUR 1,680).

b) Hungary has a social insurance system where employers need to pay social insurance premiums for employees. This includes retirement insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and work injury insurance. According to Hungarian law, employers are required to pay 18.5% of social insurance premiums for employees. In addition, employers also need to buy commercial insurance for employees to protect their rights and interests in the event of accidents at work.    

c) In addition to social insurance premiums, employers also need to pay income tax for employees. Hungary's income tax has two brackets with tax rates of 15% and 32% respectively. The specific tax rate depends on the employee's income level. In addition, employers also need to pay other taxes for employees, such as local taxes and city taxes.    

d) Hungarian law stipulates that employees have 21 days of paid annual leave per year, as well as national holidays and sick leave. If employees need to work overtime, employers need to pay additional overtime pay. According to Hungarian law, overtime pay is between 50% and 100% of basic salary.

e) In order to improve employees' workability and competitiveness, employers need to provide training and development opportunities for employees. In addition, employers can also provide benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans for employees. These are labour costs that employers need to consider.

In summary, employers' labour costs in Hungary include salaries, social insurance, taxes, leave and overtime pay, training and benefits. When recruiting employees, employers need to consider these costs and make reasonable arrangements and management according to their own situation.