Thailand, one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, has become an attractive destination for overseas investment. As an employer, understanding Thailand's statutory benefits is crucial. This article will introduce Thailand's statutory benefit system.

I. Basic Wages in Thailand

The standard basic wage in Thailand is 313Thai Baht per day, approximately 70 Chinese Yuan. According to Thai labor laws, with a six-day workweek and eight hours of work per day, the monthly basic wage is 7,540 Thai Baht.

II. Overtime Pay in Thailand

Thai labor laws stipulate that overtime pay should be 1.5 times the basic wage. If overtime is worked between 10 PM and 6AM, the overtime pay should be 3 times the basic wage. Additionally, working on statutory holidays should result in overtime pay of 2 times the basic wage.

III. Paid Leave in Thailand

Thai labor laws specify that each employee is entitled to 6 days of paid sick leave and 13 days of paid annual leave per year. The number of annual leave days increases gradually after an employee completes one year of service. Furthermore, employees who have worked for the company for three years are entitled to one month of paid leave.

IV. Social Insurance in Thailand

Social insurance in Thailand includes medical insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, and occupational accident insurance. Both employers and employees are required to contribute to social insurance. Medical insurance costs are split, with employers and employees each contributing 1.5% of the salary. Pension insurance costs involve a 3% contribution from both employers and employees, while unemployment insurance costs are 0.5% of the salary contributed by both parties. Occupational accident insurance costs are borne by the employer.

V. Year-End Bonus in Thailand

Thai labor laws dictate that employees who have worked for the company for one year are entitled to a year-end bonus.Typically, the year-end bonus is equivalent to one month's basic salary.

VI. Other Benefits in Thailand

In addition to the mentioned benefits, Thailand offers other perks. Companies may provide housing allowances, transportation allowances, and education allowances for employees' children, among other benefits.


The above summarizes Thailand's statutory benefits. As an employer, understanding these statutory benefits is crucial for recruiting and retaining exceptional employees. Moreover, this knowledge aids employers in effectively managing costs and improving overall business performance.

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