I. Overview of Salaries in Pakistan

1. Salary Levels in Pakistan

Salary levels in Pakistan are relatively low, but are rising with economic growth and talent demand. The minimum wage is 17,500 PKR ($78) monthly, while some high-end roles can earn 200,000 PKR ($890) monthly or more.

2. Benefits in Pakistan

Benefit packages in Pakistan are limited. Most companies offer medical insurance, annual leave and holidays. Some alsoprovide training, development opportunities and other perks like housing subsidies.

II. Salary Structure in Pakistan

1. Pakistani Salary Composition

Salaries in Pakistan typically comprise basic wage, allowances like housing and transport, and performance-based bonuses. Basic wage is fixed monthly income, while allowances cover living costs.

2. Tax Policies

Pakistan has relatively simple tax policies. Personal income is taxed from 0-30% based on annual earnings. Companies also pay social insurance contributions.

III. Salary Trends in Pakistan

1. Economic Development

Pakistan is developing rapidly with rising annual growth. This means increasing talent demand and wages as the economy expands.

2. Job Market

Pakistan's job market is relatively unstable but improving with more domestic and foreign investment, and government support. Sectors like IT, banking and manufacturing currently show high potential.


Overall, salaries in Pakistan are comparatively low but rising with economic growth and talent demand. Overseas employers should understand local salary structures and tax policies for compliant, competitive pay and benefits.