I. Overview of Salaries in Malaysia

1.1 Salary Levels

Malaysia is a fast developing economy with rising wages. Latest data shows average monthly salaries are around MYR 4,500 (about USD 1,000). In major cities like Kuala Lumpur, average pay exceeds MYR6,000 monthly.

1.2 Salary Structure

Malaysia's salary structure comprises basic salary, allowances, bonuses, and benefits. Basic salary forms the largest share at about 70% of total pay. Allowances and bonuses are smaller at around 10%. For benefits, laws mandate minimum standards including social security, health insurance and pensions.

II. Salaries and Benefits in Malaysia

2.1 Social Security

Malaysia has a comprehensive social security system. Companies contribute to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) for staff. EPF is a retirement savings account while SOCSO covers healthcare and injury insurance.

2.2 Health Insurance

Malaysia has a robust healthcare system with free public care. Companies provide additional commercial health insurance for better coverage and may cover dependents too.

2.3 Retirement

Malaysia also has a good pension system. Companies contribute to the EPF to provide for employees' retirement. Workers can withdraw EPF savings upon retirement.

2.4 Leave

Laws grant a minimum 14 days annual leave and 10 days paid sick leave annually. Maternity and medical leave are alsoprovided.

2.5 Allowances and Bonuses

In addition to basic salary, allowances for transport, housing, meals etc. may be offered. Performance and year-end bonuses are also common.

III. Key Considerations for Overseas Employers

3.1 Taxes

Malaysia levies personal income tax and corporate income tax. Companies deduct and remit personal income tax on behalf of employees, and pay corporate tax on company profits.

3.2 Labor Laws

Malaysia has extensive labor laws governing employee rights and responsibilities. Employers must comply and provide legal working contracts and conditions.

3.3 Cultural Differences

Malaysia is multicultural with diverse customs across communities. Overseas employers should understand the culture to better communicate with and manage staff.


In summary, Malaysia has a comprehensive salary and benefits system. Overseas employers should provide legal contracts and working conditions, comply with labor laws, and understand the local culture for smooth cooperation with employees.