Web Developer

We are looking for a Web Developer to join our tech team. You will be required t work alongside other developers, designers and engineers on projects that require coding or web development skillsets in order deliver user interfaces efficiently while also meeting business requirements set forth by the company's leadership . This role requires some knowledge about graphic design programs such as Photoshop but not necessarily necessary expertise .

Job Responsibilities for Web Developer

As a Web Developer, following would be your duties and responsibilities.

  • Developing and designing websites.
  • Identifying and resolving technical problems.
  • Writing and editing content.
  • Designing user interfaces.
  • Creating and managing sites using content management systems.
  • Working with web designers to create visually appealing sites.
  • Optimizing sites for search engines.
  • Monitoring site traffic and analytics.
  • Troubleshooting code errors.
  • Providing support to users.

Web Developer Salaries

The salary for a Web Developer can vary depending on the company, location and nature of their employer’s business. A person who works in this profession could earn between 5-8k USD per month.

Web Developer Job Qualifications

The basic qualifications required to be considered for the position of a Web Developer include:

  • Either a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, Visual Communication or related field or experience in the industry or both
  • Master degree in a similar discipline preferred
  • Prior experience as a web developer or any related role will be preferred
  • A strong and creative portfolio

Web Developer Skills Required

To be a Web Designer, one must possess both technical skills and interpersonal traits.

  • Able to optimize designs for search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Able to create prototypes of designs using tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Sketch.
  • Able to code designs using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Experience with server-side frameworks such as python,ruby, php.
  • Proficient with SQL or Oracle database.
  • Excellent communication skills - both written and verbal

What to expect as a Web Developer

The mobile app development industry is booming, and web developers are in high demand because of this growth.

  • A typical day for a web developer may involve writing code, creating and testing applications, and collaborating with other developers and designers.
  • Web developers must have a strong understanding of computer programming languages and web development tools.
  • They must also be able to effectively communicate with clients and team members to understand project requirements and deliverables.
  • Web developers typically work in an office environment, but may also work remotely from home or other locations.